S.No | Name of Authors/Faculty | Department | Designation | Title of the Research Paper/Article | Author/ Co-Author/ Attended/ Participated | Name of the Journal | Details of the publication (year, Volume Issue): Page number, ISSN number, impact factor if any |
1 | Dr. Gautam Sarkar | Faculty of Medicine(Biochemistry) | Prof. & HoD | Sympathetic overactivity predicts micro - albuminuria in pregnancy. | Inder Pal Kaur, Sukanya Gangopadhyay, Kiran Singh, Mamta Tyagi, Gautam Sarkar | Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research | Vol. 12, Page 8-12, Published year 01.12.2018 |
2 | Dr. Gautam Sarkar | Faculty of Medicine(Biochemistry) | Prof. & HoD | Effects of Stress on cortisol and vanillylmandelic acid levels | Meenakshi Panthari, Akash Gupta, Suryakant Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary, Gautam Sarkar | International Joural of Medical Science and Innovative Res. | Page 117-120, Published year June 2018 |
3 | Dr. Gautam Sarkar | Faculty of Medicine(Biochemistry) | Prof. & HoD | A Study on Association of Degree of Physical Exercise and Plasma 25-(OH) Vitamin D levels | Sandeep S Soam, Thokcham O Singh, Sonam Chaturvedi, Gautam Sarkar | Ind. J. Of Med Biochemistry | Page 90-93 Published year June 2018 |
4 | Dr. Gautam Sarkar | Faculty of Medicine(Biochemistry) | Prof. & HoD | Serum Creatinine & eGFR are affected in female ypothyroid patients with poor thyroid control | S Dhivya, Sukanya Gangopadhyay, Pradeep Kumsar, Gautam Sarkar | Asian Journal of Pharmacy & technology | 241-244 Published Year - 10/2020 |
5 | Dr. Anuradha Bharosay | Faculty of Medicine(Biochemistry) | Professor | Role of Brain Biomarker in Predicting Clinical Outcome in Hypertensive Cerebrovasular Ischemic Stroke | Anuradha Bharosay, Vivek Vikram Bharosay, Kiran Saxena, Meena Varma | Ind J Clin Biochem ISSN 0970-1915 | 33:178-183DOI 10.1007/s12291-017-0664-3(2018) |
6 | Dr. Anuradha Bharosay | Faculty of Medicine(Biochemistry) | Professor | Evaluate the status of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with urinary Albumin Cretinine Ratio and to see its association with ECG changes in chronic kidney diseses | Anuradha Bharosay, Tariq Jalaly, Vivek Vikram Bharosay, Palak Talreja | Global Journal For Research Analysis | Vol 9; Issue 3; March 2020ISSN No. 2277-8160 (March 2020) |
7 | Dr. Yogendra Kumar | Faculty of Medicine(Radiology) | Asso. Professor | 3-Tesla MRI Evaluation of intraspinal, extramedullary nonosseus neoplastic lesions | Co-Author | West Africal Journal of Radiology | Volume 25/issue 1/Jan-June 2018 |
8 | Dr. Yogendra Kumar | Faculty of Medicine(Radiology) | Asso. Professor | A Prospectiv e study to assess ultrasonography in diagnosis of acute right lower quadrant pain in a tertiary care hospital in bareilly | Author | International Archieves of Biomedical and Clinical Research | Volume 6/Issue2/April June 2020 E ISSN 2454-9894 |
9 | Dr. Yogendra Kumar | Faculty of Medicine(Radiology) | Asso. Professor | Cysticercosis using hish resolution Ultrasonography | Author | International Archieves of Biomedical and clinical Research | Volume 6/Issue 4/October- December 2020 E-ISSN:2454-9894 |
10 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Association Between Thyroid Hormone Disorders and Renal Dysfunction. | Mushir Ahmad, Anil Sharma, Shahid Iqbal, S.Nagtilak, Naved Ahmad | International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research | 9(1), 23-26, 2018 |
11 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Role of Circulation C Reactive Protein in Thyroid Disorders | Naved Ahmad, S.Nagtilak, Anil Kumar Sharma, Pawan Parashar, Amit Rastogi | Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research | 6(2), 485-489, 2018 |
12 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Cardiovasular Disease in Rural and Urban Patients in North India | Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 7(7), 1066-1072, 2018 |
13 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Screening for Cangenital Hypothyroidism in Greater Noida by Measurement of Umbilical Cord Thyroxine (Free) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone : A Multicentric Hospital Based Study | Chandra Prakash Sharma, Widhi Dubey, S.Nagtilak | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 7(7), 1066-1072, 2018 |
14 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Risk Factors of Metablic Syndrome in Rural Population of Greater Noida U.P. (India) | Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 6(1), 832-838, 2018 |
15 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Neonatal Screening for Congenial Hypothyroidism in Tertiary Care Centers | Chandra Prakash Sharma, Widhi Dubey, S.Nagtilak | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 6(1), 685-690, 2018 |
16 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and its Relationship with components of Metabolic Syndrome | Naved Ahmad, S.Nagtilak, Anil Kumar Sharma, Amit Rastogi and Mushir Ahmad | International Journal of Biomedical Research | 09(07): 248-251, 2018 |
17 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Effects of Stress on cortisol and vanillyl mandelic acid levels | Meenakshi Panthari, Akash Gupta, Gautam Sarkar, S.Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary | International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research | 3(2): 117-120, 2018 |
18 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Microalbuminuria - A Possible Marker for Stress | Meenakshi Panthari, S.Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary, Divya Srivastava, Gautam Sarkar | International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research | 3(4): 212-216, 2018 |
19 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Association of adiponection with components of metabolic Syndrome in wertern | Prema Adhikar, S.Nagtilak, Pawan Parashar | International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research | 3(6): 215-221, 2018 |
20 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | The Study on Thyroid Status among Newborns on Gautam Buddha Nagar District in Inda | Chandra Prakash Sharma, Widhi Dubey, S.Nagtilak | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development | 9(6):14-154, 2018 |
21 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - A Predictor of Metabolic Syndrome in Urban Population of North India. | Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development | 9(6):176-181, 2018 |
22 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Metabolic Syndrome in urban and Rural Population of Grater Noida National Capital Region of India | Manoj Kumar Sharma, Sonali Pandey, S.Nagtilak | Indian Asian Journal of Pharmacitical and Clinical Research | 110-114, 2018 |
23 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Clinical and Hormonal Profile of Hypogonadism | Ranjit Ambad, Manoj Naphade, S.Nagtilak | International Journal of Medical Science & Diagnosis Research | 3(4), 167-171, 2019 |
24 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Evaluation and Assissment of Serum Prolactin Levels in Hypothyroidism | Shahid Iqbal, Mushir Ahmad, Navel Ahmad, Akash Gupta, S.Nagtilak | Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research | 7(2)m 122-128, 2019 |
25 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Efficacy of Liver Function Test in Patients with Symptomatic Gall Stone Disease | Pravin Shirke, S.Nagtilak | International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies | 3(6), 271-275, 2019 |
26 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Evaluation and Assissment of Serum Prolactin Levels in Hypothyroidism | Shahid Iqbal, Mushir Ahmad, Navel Ahmad, Akash Gupta, S.Nagtilak | Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research | 7(7), 154-157, 2019 |
27 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Association of lipid Profile with Body mass index in Gall stone Disease | Dr. Pravin Shirke, S.Nagtilak | International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies | 3(7), 193-197, 2019 |
28 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | An Evaluation to find out the relationship between adiponection and insulin resistance among type 2 diabetic and non diabetics patients: A case control study | Rajmangal Chaudhary, S.Nagtilak, Pankaj Chaudhary, S.K.Shukla | International Journal of Scientific Research | 8(9), 1-2, 2019 |
29 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Can protenuria be used as a routine diagnostic aid for psychological stress? | Meenakshi Panthari, S.Nagtilak, Sandeep Chaudhary, Divya Srivastava, Gautam Sarkar | Int. J of Clin. Biochem | 7(5), 8-11, 2020 |
30 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Modern Therapeutics Applications, Guest Editorial | S.Nagtilak | Int. J of Current Research and Review | 12(14), Special Isue July 2020 |
31 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Relationship between adinopectin & uric acid with inflammation in pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome | Prema Adhikar, S.Nagtilak, Pawan Parashar | Int. J of Clin. Biochem | 7(3), 1-6, 2020 |
32 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Association of adiponection & Leptin withinsulin Reisstance in type - 2 diabetes | Rajmangal Chaudhary, S.Nagtilak, S.K.Shukla | Int. J of Clin. Biochem | 7(4), 446-450, 2020 |
33 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Elucidation of in vitro Anticancer effect of Lutein on Hela Cells | Alok Saxena, Anupama Mahajan, S.Nagtilak, S.N. Bahuguna | Journal of Advance Med. & Dental Sciences Research | 8(12), 229-236, 2020 |
34 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | In vitro Anti proliferative Activity of Fucoxanthin on Hela cells | Alok Saxena, Anupama Mahajan, S.Nagtilak, S.N. Bahuguna | Journal of Anatomical Science | 28(2), 1-12, 2020 |
35 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Study of Glutathione S transferases and Malondialdehyde Levels in Male Smokers from Vidharbha Region | Ranjit Ambad, S.Nagtilak, Ankita Knodalkar and Ashish Anjankar | India Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International | 33(36B): 167-172, 2021 |
36 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Glutathione-s-Transferase Pi and Malondialdehyde in Alcoholic | Ranjit S. Ambad, S.Nagtilak,Gangaram Bhadarge and Maghali Kaple | Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International | 33(37A):26-30, 2021 |
37 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Study of Glutathione S transferases and Reduced Glutathione Receiving Chemotherapy | Ranjit S. Ambad, S.Nagtilak,Gangaram Bhadarge and Maghali Kaple | Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International | 33(39A):134-140, 2021 |
38 | Dr. Suryakant Nagtilak | Faculty of Medicine((Biochemistry) | Professor | Role of Hypomagnesaemia in Promotion of Metabolic Syndrome in Premenopausal Women | Deepa Gupta, Suryakant Nagtilak, Prateek Agrawal, Kalyani Deshmukh, Aditi Jindel and Neelima Singh | Int. J. Adv. Res. | 10(03), 655-661, 2022 |
39 | Dr. Neelam Goyal | Faculty of Medicine(Obs & Gyn) | Professor | Continence Outcome following Needle less operation (Vaginal approach) using indrgenous Mesh | Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Sanjay Goyal | International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology | 2016-November, Volume 5, Issue 11 |
40 | Dr. Neelam Goyal | Faculty of Medicine(Obs & Gyn) | Professor | Outcome of self administered Medical Abortion pills by patients | Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Sanjay Goyal | International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Nov-16 |
41 | Dr. Neelam Goyal | Faculty of Medicine(Obs & Gyn) | Professor | Study of Prevalance of Araenia in Pregnant women in Labor | Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Harshita Panday | International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology | July 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 7 |
42 | Dr. Neelam Goyal | Faculty of Medicine(Obs & Gyn) | Professor | Changing trends of Indication of Caesareaw Aectioes | Dr. Neelam Goyal & Dr. Harshita Panday | International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology | July 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 7 |
43 | Dr. Gaurav Singh | Faculty of Medicine(General Surgery) | Senior Resident | Measurement of Intra Abdominal Pressue in Acute Pancreatitis and Collelation with Parameters and Outcomes | Dr. Krishna Murty (AP) & Dr. Sanjay Pandey (MS) | International Journal of Science & Research (IJSR) | Volume - 10, 3 March 2021, Paper ID - SR21305100312 |
44 | Dr. Arushi Dhall | Faculty of Medicine(Radiology) | Senior Resident | MRI evalutation of knee trauma and its correration T Clinical examination & orthoscopic findings | Dr. B.B.Thukral, Dr. Sachin Agarwal, Dr. Aruni Swarup, Dr. Arushi Dhall | International Journal of Radiology and Dignostic Imaging | 2021, Vol 4:1, pg no. 84-87, ISSN No. (P-ISSN) 2664-4436 |
45 | Dr. Arushi Dhall | Faculty of Medicine(Radiology) | Senior Resident | Case Series of Rapid Spntareons Resolution of Assive Accute Segdural Hematoma | Dr. Siddhant Kumar, Dr. Abhinav Bansal, Dr. Vikul Kumar Tyagi, Dr. Arushi Dhall | IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences | 2020, Vol 19, Issue 8, Series 12 ISSN-2279-0853, pg no. 9-12 |
46 | Dr. Arushi Dhall | Faculty of Medicine(Radiology) | Senior Resident | Incidentally deteeted Prerrary Hyperparathyoidesn | Dr. Sural Saran, Dr. Yash Sharma, Dr. Tanvi Khann, Dr. Arushi Dhall | Airals of African Medicine | 2020, Vol 19, Issue 1, pg no. 71-72, ISSN-1596-3519 |
47 | Dr. Yashi | Faculty of Medicine(Radiodignostic ) | Assis. Prof. | Correlation of Ultrasound findings with histopathology of Pelvic masses in a tertiary care hospital | Dr. Yashi | International Journal of Health Science and Research | January 2019, Vol 9, Issue 1, Page 46-52, ISSN No. 2249-9571 |
48 | Dr. Swatantra Nigotia | Faculty of Medicine(Radiodignostic ) | Senior Resident | Ultrasound evluation of peripheral arterial disease with clinical correlation | Swantra Nigotia, Shubhda Sagar, Brij Bhusan Thukral, Medha Goel | International Journal Medical and Health Research | ISSN: 2454-9142, Received 05.12.2020, Accepted : 19.12.2020 Published : 05.01.2021, Volume 7; Issue 1, 2021, Pg No. 04-10 |
49 | Dr. Shailja Khansili | Faculty of Medicine(General Medicine) | Assis. Prof. | Evaluation of Correlation between mean platelet count and other platelet indices in patients with dengue fever | Shailja Khansili, Nitin K Bansal | Paripex - Indian Journal of Research | April - 2019, Volume - 8 Issue - 4, Print ISSN No. 2250-1991 |
50 | Dr. Tamishi Sharma | Faculty of Medicine(TB & Chest Medicine) | Senior Resident | To study the drug ressistance pattern in cases ofdiatrtes with OPTB in Western UP | Tamishi Sharma, Uma Chaudhary, Sukhbir Singh, Vivek Gautam | International Journal of Medical and Health Research | ISSN: 2454-9142, Published 29-06-2021, Volume 7, Issue 6, 2021 Page No. 40-45 |
51 | Dr. Siddharth Mangla | Faculty of Medicine(General Medicine) | Senior Resident | To study cirrelal b/w Insulin Desesla & Hypertensur cir Hypertensive potential | Dr. Nishant Wadhera, Dr. Abhishek Gupta, Dr. Saurabh Singhal | JEBMH Journal of Evidence based Medicine & Health | PISSN - 2349-2562, e ISSN - 2349-2570, Vol 7, Issue - 44, November 2, 2020 Impacl - 557 |
52 | Dr. Siddharth Mangla | Faculty of Medicine(General Medicine) | Senior Resident | Comparative Analyse of D demes & februages as severety marker instagged caused in tartiary hospital | Dr. Vivek Singh, Dr. Saurabh Singh | IJSR (International Journal of Science & Research) | ISSN 2277-8179, Vol - 10, Issue - 2, February 2021, IF - 7, 583 |
53 | Dr. Yogesh Kumar Dhanda | Faculty of Medicine(General Medicine) | Professor | To Study the role of Ascitic fluid cholesterol in differential diagnosis of Ascites | Dr. Narayanjeet Singh, Dr. Madhu Lata Rana | Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) | Feb - 2017, Vol - 7, Issue - 2, Pg No. 122-126, ISSN No. 2249-555X, IF - 3.919 |
54 | Dr. Yogesh Kumar Dhanda | Faculty of Medicine(General Medicine) | Professor | To Study the Clinical Profile of Pelvic Malignancies and Its Impact on Quality of Life | Dr. Narayanjeet Singh, Dr. Madhu Lata Rana | International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) | March - 2017, Vol - 6, Issue - 3, Pg No. 306-309, ISSN No. 2277-8179, IF - 4-176 |
55 | Dr. Yogesh Kumar Dhanda | Faculty of Medicine(General Medicine) | Professor | To Evaluate and compare the safety and eficacy o fincretins and secretogogues based therapy in Inadequategy controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus | Dr. Prashant Mathur, Meenakshi Tyagi | Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) | May - 2020, Vol - 10, Issue - 5, Pg No. 47-51, ISSN - 2249-555X DOI - 10-36 106/IJAR |
56 | Dr. Yogesh Kumar Dhanda | Faculty of Medicine(General Medicine) | Professor | To Study the Role of Ascitic fluid cholesterol in differential malignanant and Tubercular Ascites | Dr. Arun Pandey | International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) | May - 2020, Vol - 9, Issue - 5, Pg No. 15-18, ISSN - 2279-8179, DOI: 10-36106/ IJSR |
57 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | CRYONICS: A STEP TOWARDS IMMORTALITY (ANATOMICAL, MEDICO LEGAL & ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS. | Participated | JIAFM | 29 (3) 10-12 (2007) |
58 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | LYMPHOCYTIC ADENOCINE DEAMINASE AND 5’ NUCLEOTIDASE ACTIVITY AS IMMUNE MARKERS IN DIABETES MELLITUS | Participated | IND.J.MED BIOCHEM | Vol. 13.No. 2, 2009. |
59 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | GENDER BASED ALTERATION IN COLOUR PERCEPTION | Participated | INDIAN.J. PHYSIOL PHARMACOL | 2010;54(4): 366-370. |
61 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | Placenta The Wonder Organ | Author | JOURNAL INDIAN ACAD FORENSIC MED | APRIL-JUNE 2011,Vol 33,No 2. Page 140-142. |
62 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PALMER SKIN CREASES AND OSSEOUS ANATOMY | Participated | J.MORPHOL. SCI. | 2011, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 184-188 |
63 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | PREVALENCE OF PONTICULUS POSTICUS OF ATLAS: A RADIOLOGICAL AND CADAVERIC STUDY IN HILLY REGION OF UTTRAKHAND | Author | National Journal Of Medical and Dental Research | April-June 2013:Volume-1.Issue-3, page 28 33 |
64 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | PTERION ITS LOCATION AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS-A STUDY | Participated | JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCIENCES | VOL 2/ISSUE 25/JUNE 24,2013. Pp 4599-4608. |
67 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | The mylohyoid bridging: incidence and clinical implications”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | Participated | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | Vol2, Issue 27, July 8; Page: 4974-4982 |
68 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | Gender Based Difference in Color Vision in Myopic Subjects | Participated | International Journal of Physiology | 2013; 1 (1) : 1-4 |
69 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | Placental Histomorphology: A Predictor of foetal outcome in multiparous women. | Author | International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences | 2014; 3(2): 350-353. |
70 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | Morphometric analyses of sella turcica in North Indian population:a radiological study | Participated | International journal of Recearch in Medical Sciences | 2014;2(2):521-526 |
71 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | Comparative Study of Mandibular Cortical Index in Orthopentogram and Bone Mineral Density of Lumber Vertebrae in Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Postmenopausal Female in North India | Participated | Journal of Surgical Acadmia | 2014;4(1):14-19. |
72 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | Sutural Morphology of Pterion in Uttarakhand Region | Participated | J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. | eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 8/ Issue 43/ Oct. 28, 2019 |
73 | Dr. Shashi Munjal Mongia | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Professor & Head | Gender Preference for auditory versus visual routes for memorization | Participated | IJPP | 2016; 60: 62-69 |
74 | Dr. Suchit Kumar | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Associate Professor | Pterion-its location and clinical implication-A study Compared | Author | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | vol-2,issue25,june242013,pg-4599-4608 |
75 | Dr. Suchit Kumar | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Associate Professor | Correlation between Deviated Nasal Septum and Sinusitis: A Clinical and Histopathological Study. | Participated | International journal of scientific studies. | 2016; 4(1):21-24. |
76 | Dr. Suchit Kumar | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Associate Professor | Study of Cranial Capacity & Its Sexual Dimorphism in Adult Human Skulls. | Co- Author | Ann. Int. Med. Den.Res. | 2018; 4(4):AT26-AT28. |
77 | Dr. Suchit Kumar | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Associate Professor | Sutural Morphology of Pterion in Uttarakhand Region | Co- Author | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 8/ Issue 43/ Oct. 28, 2019. |
78 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Elucidation of in-vitro Anticancer Effects of Lutein on HeLa Cells | Author | Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research | 2020: 7(12). 229-36 |
79 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | In vitro Anti-proliferative Activity of FucoxanthinonHeLa Cells | Author | J Anat Sci | 2020 Dec;28(2): 01-12 |
80 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Impact of social networking sites on daily activities of Medical undergraduates in Himalayan region of Uttarakhand | Co- Author | International Journal of Scientific Research. | 2018:7(8);68-69 |
81 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Role of cardiac markers in central obesity in population of Punjab | Participated | International Journal of Current Advance Research | 2018: 7(7B);13966-70 |
82 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Morphometric and morphological analysis of spleen | Participated | International jounal of scientific research | 2018:7 (1);10-12 |
83 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Developmentally and Clinically defined Rare Anomalous Muscles in Brachium and Antebrachium | Author | IJARS | 2018:7(1); 01-03. |
84 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Some Variable Facts of Liver: Embryological and Clinical Perspective | Author | International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery | 2016; 5(1) :64-67. |
85 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Clinical and embryological rationale of occipitalization of atlas | Author | The Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review. | 2016;5(4):2361-2364 |
86 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Variations of origin of coronary artery and their importance | Participated | J Morphol Sci | 2015; 32(1): 1-7. |
87 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Morphometry and anatomical variations of flexor digitorumsuperficialis | Co- Author | J Morphol Sci. | 2015;32(1) : 8-11 |
88 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Anomalous course of chorda tympani nerve: an operative finding | Co- Author | Ind. J. Sci. Res. and Tech | 2015 3(3):10-11 |
89 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | A biceps plantaris in the popliteal region | Participated | European Journal of Anatomy. Eur. J. Anat. | 18 (1): 32-33 (2014) |
90 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Deceptive food advertisements in India. | Participated | Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research | 2013;3(1): 132-35 |
91 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Prevalence of digital dermatoglyphics in hilly region; Medicolegal significance. | Participated | Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences | 2013; 32(32): 1338-42. |
92 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Morphology of the superior gluteal nerve: A study in adult human cadaver. | Participated | BratislLekListy | 2013; 114 (7):409-12 |
93 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Scientific evaluation of the scholarly publication of an author.. | Author | Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics | 2013(4)2; 125-129 |
94 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Anatomical variations of ulnar artery in hand: clinical importance. | Participated | Siriraj Med J | 2013;65: 117-119. |
95 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | A rare finding of superficial palmar arch: developmental and clinical significance. | Author | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | 2013 (7); 706-708. |
96 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Exceptional finding of gantzer’s muscles depicting their applied aspects. | Author | Singapore Med J | 2013; 54(5):e1-e3 |
97 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | A cadaveric report of unilateral fibularistertius in absentia: A Clinical Perspective. | Author | Int J Anat Variation | 2013(6); 20- 21. |
98 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | An innominate muscle in popliteal region: clinical exposition. | Author | Siriraj Med J | 2013; 65:85-87 |
99 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Morphometry and magnetic resonance imaging of anterior cruciate ligament and measurement of secondary signs of anterior cruciate ligament tear. | Author | BratislLekListy. | 2012; 113(9):539-543. |
100 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Effect of cyclophosphamide exposure on the migration of primordial germ cells in rat fetuses. | Participated | BratislLekListy | 2012;.113(11):637-40 |
101 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | General assumption of psychological behaviour based on finger print pattern. | Participated | Journal of Biology and Life Science.. | 2012; 3:1-8 |
102 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Signalled roads to memory and its degeneration. | Participated | Annals of NeuroSciences | 2012; 19(2):84-87. |
103 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Ovarian development in wistar rat treated prenatally with single dose diisobutyl phthalate. | Participated | BratislLekListy | 2012;113(10):577-82 |
104 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Morphometry and CT measurements of useful bony landmarks of skull base. | Participated | RJME. | 2011; 52:873-877. |
105 | Mr. Alok Saxena | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Rarely encountered ophthalmic aneurysm in cadaver- a case report. | Co- Author | Int J Anat Variation | 2011; 180-181. |
107 | Dr. Sumita Agarwal | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | An observational study of Enthesopathy in dried Human Scapulae | Author | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & clinical research | Vol 13, Issue 12,2020 Print ISSN-0974-2441 Online ISSN- 2455 3891 |
108 | Dr. Sumita Agarwal | Faculty of Medicine(Anatomy) | Assistant Professor | Clinical relevance of Heterotopic ossification of Hip & Pelvic Bones Muscles & Ligaments | Author | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & clinical research | Vol 15, Issue 2, 2022 Print ISSN-0974-2441 Online ISSN- 2455 3891 |
109 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Pedagogy and Research Skills Development | Attended | Eight Day Faculty Development Program by Amity School University, Maharashtra | From 21st June 2021-29th June 2021 |
110 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Foundation of Virtual Instrutions | Attended | online course authorised by University of California, Irvine | 20th June 2020 |
111 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Teaching and learning methods and Practices on Digital Platform- Understanding and Developping MOOCs | Attended | Swayam -MOOC Cell, Arya Kanya Mahavidttalaya, Shahabad Markanda (Haryana) | 11th June 2020 |
112 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Online teching- learning and online assessment demo | Attended | Inpods Ed- tech (Organizer) | 27-May-20 |
113 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Webinar on Skill Development | Participated | Brainvision & Omega2c Career Solutions | 11-Jun-20 |
114 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Certificate of participation CO-PO Attainment Computation and Putcomes Analysis | Participated | Inpods Ed- tech | 17-Jun-20 |
115 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Certificate of ELT Research across the fracture lines: Themes and methods for difficult times under travel constraints | Participated | British Council ( Elizabeth Erling and Maria Grazia Imperiale) | 17-Jun-20 |
116 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Facuty Development Program on PERL SCRIPTING | Participated | Lords institute of Engineering & Technology | 10 th June to 14th June 2020 |
117 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Webinar on Fostering Academic Ressearch & Writing Skill | Participated | Sree Ayyaappa College for Women (Tamilnadu) | 12 & 13 June 2020 |
118 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Webinar on A Dissucssion on Structure: Poetics to Monomyth | Participated | Sourashtra College a Lingusistic Monority Co-Education Instititution | 15-Jun-20 |
119 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Webinar on Research Tools and Softwares for Academics | Attended | Francis Xavier Engineering College | 12-Jun-20 |
120 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | National Webinal on " Cultural Studies" | Participated | B.S.S Art, Science and Commerce College, Makani | 10 June 200 |
121 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | NAAC Accreditation Management System for Health Science Instittution | Participated | InPods Ed-tech | 28-May-20 |
122 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | National Webinar on " Home & Homeland in South-Asian Diasporic Literature | Participated | Sourashtra College a Lingusistic Monority Co-Education Instititution | 17-Jun-20 |
123 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Webinal on Teaching- Learing Methods and Practices on Digital Platform: Understanding and Develooping MOOCs | Participated | Arya Kanya Mahavidyalaya Shahabad Markanda (Haryana) | 11-Jun-20 |
124 | Mr. Vinay Semwal | Computer Application | Assistant Professor | Webinal on " Sensitising Workpalce Communication: a Moral Compus" | Participated | Saraswathi Narayana College | 19-Jun-20 |
125 | Dr. Ramandeep Kaur | Humanities(English) | Assistant Professor | MY UNIVERSITY: ABODE OF ANGELS AND PARADISE OF KNOWLEDGE | Author | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | Published In JETIR ISSN UGC Approved (Journal No: 63975) & 7.95 Impact Factor |
126 | Dr. Ramandeep Kaur | Humanities(English) | Assistant Professor | AND LEARNING | Author | Published in Volume 9 Issue 5 , May-2022 | Date of Publication: 2022-05-18 | |
132 | Dr.J.Sathya Shenbega Priya | Nursing | Principal | Explore the knowledge, Perception, and awareness about yoga among hypertensive Patients in K.S Hegde Medical Academy, Deralakatte, Mangalore. | Author | International Journal of Nursing Education and Research | 2 (3): July – September 2014; page 210- 212.ISSN 2454-2660 (online)2347-8640 (print) |
133 | Dr.J.Sathya Shenbega Priya | Nursing | Principal | Effect of SIM on knowledge regarding prevention of pulmonary complications Post- Surgery : A Pre experimental study. | Co-Author | Global Journal for Research Analysis(GJRA) | vol 5, issue: 3 march 2016.ISSN NO 2277-8160 |
134 | Dr.J.Sathya Shenbega Priya | Nursing | Principal | Yogic Intervention and the weight loss. | Author | International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences | volume; 3, Issue: 2 July- December 2014. Page no- 158- 162,ISSN:2278- 5159 |
135 | Dr.J.Sathya Shenbega Priya | Nursing | Principal | Exploring the contributing factors of comobid deseases of obesity (knowledge about complications) in K.S Hegde Medical academy, Deralakatte. | Author | NIGHTINGALE NURSING TIMES | VolX No. 10 January, 2015, page no 56-58, 67, ISSN 0975-2188 |
136 | Mrs Aditi S Milap | Nursing | Assistant | Mechanical Ventilation | Author | Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 9 (4) | october-december 2019,volume 9 (issue-4),ISSN 2231-1149, page n0.588 |
137 | Mrs Aditi S Milap | Nursing | Assistant | A quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of selected nursing interventions on the level of pain & activity tolerance among abdominal surgery patients in | Author | International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 2(3): | July-September 2014,volume 2 (issue-3:) |
138 | Ms. Ekata Rawat | Nursing | Assistant | Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program (STP) on Knowledge and Practice of Post-Operative Care among Parents of Children with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate | Author | pediatric and therapeutics | ekata et al. pediatr ther 2017 7: 2 DOI: 10.4172/2161-0665.1000321 |
139 | Ms. Himani Bora | Nursing | Assistant | A study on the knowledge and practice regarding prevention of postpartum complications among post natal mothers with a view to provide a need based teaching inselected hospital of Dehradun, Uttarakhand | Author | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) | ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426 |
140 | Ms. Nisha | Nursing | Nursing Tutor | “A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Program On Level Of Knowledge Regarding Management Of Dialysis In End-Stage Renal Disease Patients Among Gnm Iind Year Students Studying At Sgrru, College Of Nursing, Dehradun | Author | international journal of advance reserch | 2020,pg- 1142-1143, 2320-5407, |
141 | Ms. Varsh Rawat | Nursig | Nursing Tutor | A Quasi Experimental Study To Assess The EffectivenessOf Kaleidoscope On The Pain And Behavioural Responses Of Children Of Children (4-10yrs) During Iv Cannulation In Pediatric Unit Of Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital, Dehradun | Author | International Journal For Innovative Research In Multi Disciplinary Field | Paper Id Ijirmf202110017 Published In Ijirmf Volume 7, Issue 10 Oct 2021 Impact Factor- 6.719 |
142 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Param Paavan Dalai Lama (Book) | Author | Param Paavan Dalai Lama (Book) | ISBN No. 978-81-949019-0-7 |
143 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Khuddakpathpali, Udanpali and Itivuttakpali (Book) | Author | Khuddakpathpali, Udanpali and Itivuttakpali (Book) | ISBN: 978-81-926664-2-6 |
144 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Samyak Drusti (Book) | Author | Samyak Drusti (Book) | ISBN No. - 978-81-8465-654-1 |
145 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Buddha’s Teaching for Modern Capitalist Economics | Author | Lumbini Prabha A International Research Journal | Vol. 7, ISSN No. 2717-4603Pg. No. 13 |
146 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Patience Ability for Harmonious Social Work: A Buddhist Perspective | Author | Perspectives A National Interdisciplinary Annual Research Journal | Volume I, Issue X, 2021, ISSN- 2249-5134 and pg no. 53-56. |
147 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | A Historical Study of Life and Work of Thera Ananda | Co- Author | International Peer Reviewed Research Journal for Humanity, Science & English Language | Online ISSN 2348-3083, SJ Impact Factor2021: 7.278, www.srjis.com |
148 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | An Approach to Buddhist Concept on Economics | Co- Author | International Peer Reviewed Referred Research Journal Printing Area | March 2021 Issue-74,Vol.-2 and ISSN No. is 23945303 |
149 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | “Brahmavihara: A Theravada Perspective | Co- Author | International Peer Reviewed Research Journal for Humanity, Science & English Language | 8th Volume Oct-Nov.2020 and E ISSN No. is 2348-3083 & P ISSN- 2349-9664 |
150 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Upmaon ki Vividhata: Gautam Buddha ke Updeshonki Ek Mahatvapurna Shaily | Author | Nibban-Bodhi’ An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal of Religion, Philosophy, Culture and Social Science | volume XIII, Jan to June 2019 and ISSN No. is 2229-3728 and UGC Approved No. is 48596 |
151 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Buddha’s Self Compassion: Route of Compassionate Attitude | Author | Pali-Prakrit Anusheelanam’ A bi-annual Refereed Journal of Pali & Prakrit Language & Literature | Volume1-2,March – October 2019, ISSN No. is 2349-3097 and UGC Journal No. 40860 |
152 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Bhagwan Buddhacha Gruhasthansathi Updesh | Author | Buddhist Philosophy Way Of Life, Current Global Reviewer, UGC Approved Research Journal | vol.1, ISSN No. 2319-8648, page-180 |
153 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar ani Dharmantar | Author | Printing Area International Multilingual research Journal on Father of Indian Constitution: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar | April 2018, ISSN No. 2394-5303, page no. 100 |
154 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkarancha Vidhyarthyala Sandesh | Author | Perspectives A National Interdisciplinary Annual Research Journal | Vol. 1,Issue-VII,Aug-2017, pg. no. 95.ISSN -22495134 |
155 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkarandware Stapit Republican Pakshachi Sadyasthiti | Author | Perspectives- A National Interdisciplinary Annual Research Journal | Vol. 1(special Issue-VI)-2016, ISSN No. 2249-5134 |
156 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Samvadon Ka Prayog Bhagwan Buddha Ke Updeshon Ki Ek Visheshta | Author | Yonker Social Science Research Journal | Vol.IV, pg No.46-50, ISSN No. 2348-7127 |
157 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Samyak Ajivika Ka Mahatva | Author | A Half Yearly National Journal Pali Prakrit Anushilanam | ISSN No: 2349-3097, 1st edition 2014 |
158 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Vaishvikikaran Rajneeti aur Bouddha | Author | Higher Evolution of Buddhism, Humanism and Universal Peace in Contemporary World | pg. no. 269-273 on 29/12/2019. ISBN No. 978-93-87250-34-5. |
159 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Buddhist Approach to Harmonious Families, Healthcare and Sustainable Societies | Author | Family and Society- A Buddhist Perspective | ISBN-978-604-89-8759-6 |
160 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Dr. Ambedkar’s Perspective Towards Religion | Author | Buddhism Around the World | ISBN-978-604-61-6261-2 |
161 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Therigathapali ka Vyavharik Paksha Evam Vartmaan me Uaski Upyogita | Author | Pali-Prakrit Sahitya ke Vyavharik Paksha Evam Vartamaan me Uski Upyogita | ISBN No. is 978-81-92666-48-8 |
162 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Dr. Babasahebana Abhipret Aslela Bouddha Dhamma Ani Tyapudhil Aavhahane | Author | Dr. Ambedkar: An Architect of Modern India | ISBN No. 978-93-81289-36-5 |
163 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Gandhar Murtikalacha Bouddha kala va sanskritivar prabhav | Author | Impact of Buddhism on Global Society | ISBN: 978-81-926293-1-5 |
164 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Role of Pali Literature and Importance of World Peace | Author | Bouddha-Pali Sahityatil Tatvagyan Ajchya Sandarbhat Avashakyata | ISBN: 978-93-83672-01-1 |
165 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Dr. Ambedkarausar Bhashawar Prantarachana Samasya athwa vikas | Author | Revisiting Works of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: As a World Leader and his Contribution towards Holistic Change | ISBN No.13-978-81-926293-0-8 |
166 | Dr. Nilima Chawhan | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Professor | Bhartiya Rajyaghatanecha Multatvanchi Aadharsheela Bouddha Dhamma | Author | Samvidhanatil Samajik Nyachi Sankalpana ani Bouddha Dhamma | ISBN-81-903716-9-1 |
167 | Dr. Saw Htut Sandar | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Associate Professor | Influence of Buddhism and Buddhist Culture in Myanmar | Author | Sambodhi Journal, Bodhgaya | September, Pg-31 |
168 | Dr. Saw Htut Sandar | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Associate Professor | Buddhist way of Peace in Human Life | Author | Bangladesh Journal | Jan-18 |
169 | Dr. Saw Htut Sandar | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Associate Professor | Buddhists Concerns on Environmental Ethic | Author | Magadh university, Bodhgaya | 2016 |
170 | Dr. Saw Htut Sandar | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Associate Professor | A solicitude of Myanmar and Sri Lanka, for the Restoration of Maha Bodhi Temple | Author | Sambodhi Journal, Bodhgaya | Pg 41, 2016 |
171 | Dr. Saw Htut Sandar | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Associate Professor | The Most Prominent Buddhist Sites in Myanmar | Author | Sambodhi Journal, Bodhgaya | Pg-73, 2015 |
172 | Dr. Saw Htut Sandar | Faculty of Buddhist Studies | Associate Professor | History of Buddhist Councils in Myanmar | Author | Bangladesh Journal | 2018 Feb |
173 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Saffron, the Most Precious Natural Source of Colour, Flavour and Medicine. | Author | SMU Medical Journal | Year 2015, Vol No-1(2) 1(2), Issue No 2349-1604, Page No. 335-346, Impact Factor between 5 and 10 |
174 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Antifungal and Free Radical Scavenging Efficacy of Hymenodictyon excelsum Bark. Univerities | Co-Author | Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic Heights | Year 2016, Vol No-1(2) 1(20), Issue No 0973-3507, Page No. 14-19, Impact Factor between 2 and 5 |
175 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Physicochemical and Phytochemical Investigationon Callicarpa macrophyllaVahl. Leaves from Dehradun,Uttarakhand. Univerities’ | Author | Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic Heights | Year 2013, Vol No-1(2) 2(15), Issue No 0973-3507, Page No. 13-16, Impact Factor between2 and 5 |
176 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Chemical Composition andAntifungal Activity of EssentialOil from Leaves of Eupatrorium adenophorum(L.) Spreng Universities | Author | Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic Heights | Year 2019, Vol No-1(2) 1(26), Issue No 0973-3507, Page No. 44-53, Impact Factor between 2 and 5 |
177 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemical Analysis andIn-vitro Antifungal Activity of Murraya Koenigii LeafExtracts. Univerities | Co-Author | Journal ofPhytochemistry andAyurvedic Heights | Year 2018, Vol No-1(2) 1(24), Issue No 0973-3507, Page No. 09-16, Impact Factor between 2 and 5 |
178 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Evalution of Total Polyphenols, Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of MyricaesculentaBunch-HAM.EXD.DON Fruits | Author | World J.ofPharmaceuticalandMedicalResearch | Year 2021, Vol No-1(2) 7(2), Issue No 2455-3301, Page No. 186-192, Impact Factor between 2 and 5 |
179 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Antifungal Activity of Capparisdecidua Extracts againstSeed-borne Pathogenic Fungi | Co-Author | World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Year 2015, Vol No-1(2) 4(10), Issue No 2278-4357, Page No. 1500-1512, Impact Factor between5 and 10 |
180 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Impact of Drying Methods OnContent and Quality ofEssential Oil From Leaves ofArtemisia nilagirica (Clarke)Pamp | Author | World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Year 2015, Vol No-1(2) 4(9), Issue No 2278-4357, Page No. 1259-1271, Impact Factor between5 and 10 |
181 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemical, Antioxidantand Antimicrobial Screening ofRoots of Asparagusracemosus Willd | Co-Author | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Year 2015, Vol No-1(2) 4(4), Issue No 2277-7105, Page No. 709-722, Impact Factor between5 and 10 |
182 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Santalumalbum L.: A Review | Co-Author | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Year 2015, Vol No-1(2) 4(10), Issue No 2277-7105, Page No. 1842-1876, Impact Factor between 5 and 10 |
183 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Compositional Analysis andIn-vitro Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Artemisianilagirica Leaves | Co-Author | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Year 2015, Vol No-1(2) 4(9), Issue No 2277-7105, Page No. 1663-1679, Impact Factor between 5 and 10 |
184 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Plantagoovata: A Natural Source of Laxative Medicine | Co-Author | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Year 2014, Vol No-1(2) 3(9), Issue No 2277-7105, Page No. 361-372, Impact Factor between 5 and 10 |
185 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Agave sisalana: A Plant with High Chemical Diversity and Medicinal Importance | Co-Author | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Year 2014, Vol No-1(2) 3(8), Issue No 2277-7105, Page No. 238-249, Impact Factor between 5 and 10 |
186 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | In vitro Evaluation of Antifungal Activity of Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl.Leaves | Co-Author | Organic and Medicinal Chemistry International Journal | Year 2017, Vol No-1(2) 1(5), Issue No 2474-7610, Page No. 001-004, Impact Factor less than 1 |
187 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemical Approach to Ascertain Quality and Efficacy of Plant Drugs | Co-Author | Journal of Science,Technology and Management | Year 2014, Vol No-1(2) 7(4), Issue No 0974-8334, Page No. 279-285, Impact Factor between 2 and 5 |
188 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | A Review on Ethnomedicinal, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Significanceof Terminalia sericea Burch.ex DC | Co-Author | Journal of Pharmacy Research | Year 2018, Vol No-1(2) 12(3), Issue No 0974-6943, Page No. 420-430, Impact Factor less than 1 |
189 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of Polyphenols, Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of Prunus cerasoides D. Don Leaves | Co-Author | Journal of Pharmacy Research | Year 2016, Vol No-1(2) 10(7), Issue No 0974-6943, Page No. 502-508, Impact Factor less than 1 |
190 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Evaluation of Total Polyphenoland Antioxidant Activity of Leaves of Bambusa nutansand Bambusa vulgaris | Co-Author | Journal of Pharmacy Research | Year 2015, Vol No-1(2) 9(4), Issue No 0974-6943, Page No. 271-277, Impact Factor less than 1 |
191 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Ethnomedicinal, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Aspects of Flacourtia jangomas: a Review | Co-Author | International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science | Year 2018, Vol No-1(2) 10(3), Issue No 0975-1491, Page No. 009-15, Impact Factor less than 1 |
192 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Prunus cerasoides D. Don: A Review on Its Ethnomedicinaluses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacolog | Co-Author | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Review and Research | Year 2018, Vol No-1(2) 48(1), Issue No 0976-044X, Page No. 62-69, Impact Factor between5 and10 |
193 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | In vitro Alpha-amylase and Alpha-glucosidase inhibitory Activities of Fruits Ficusauriculata Lour. | Author | International J.Pharma & BioScience | Year 2019, Vol No-1(2) 10(4), Issue No 0975-6299, Page No. 154-159, Impact Factor between5 and10 |
194 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Phytochemical screening and In-vitro Evaluation of Antidiabetic activity of Ficuspalmata Frruits | Author | European J. of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research | Year 2019, Vol No-1(2) 6(11), Issue No 2394-3211, Page No. 251-258, Impact Factor between5 and10 |
195 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Chemical Composition and In-vitro Antifungal and Antioxidant Activities of Essential Oil from MurrayaKoenigii (L.) Spreng. Leaves | Co-Author | Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science | Year 2018, Vol No-1(2) 8(65), Issue No 2249-622X, Page No. 006-13, Impact Factor between2 and 5 |
196 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | A Review of Ethnomedicinal,Phytochemical,Pharmacological and Toxicological Aspects of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng | Author | Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science | Year 2018, Vol No-1(2) 9(68), Issue No 2249-622X, Page No. 25-35, Impact Factor between2 and 5 |
197 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Degradative Impact of Fungal Infestation on Some Physicochemical and Biochemical Attributes of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pirre Seeds. |
Co-Author | Univerities’ Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic Heights | Year 2017, Vol No-1(2) 2(22), Issue No , Page No. 68-74, Impact Factor between5 and10 |
198 | Dr. Nishat Anjum | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Prunus cerasoides D. Don: A Review on Its Ethnomedicinal uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacolog. |
Co-Author | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research |
Year 2018, Vol No-1(2) 48(1), Issue No , Page No. 62-69, Impact Factor between5 and10 |
199 | Mrs. Reshmi | Faculty of Fine Art & Fashion Design | Assiatant Professor | (Bohal Shodh Manjusha)" Bharat Ka Drishaymaan Sangeet | ISSN-2395-7115,Feb-2023 / Vol.-17, Issue-2 | ||
200 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Faculty of Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | World Wide Web Search Engines: A Study of User’s Perception | Author | Organizational Transformational through Information Technology Issues and challenges (Book Chapter) | 2007; Prestige Institute of Management and Research Indore; Page 294 to 301 |
201 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Faculty of Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Web Based Virtual Supply Chain Management | Co- Author | Supply Chain Management in Global Environment (Book Chapter) | 2007; Mahakal Institute of Management; Page 1-10 |
202 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Faculty of Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Social Responsibility: Mantra of Management Education | Author | Conference Proceedings, Emerging India : The Role of Management abd IT Education | 2008; Hindustan Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Farah, Mathura,Page 145 to 152 |
203 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Faculty of Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Trait Emotional Intelligence and its relation to stress during COVID-19 Pandemic | Author | Annals Of Computer Science And Information Systems | 2020; ISSN 2300-5963 ACSIS, Vol. 24; pp. 31–38; |
204 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Faculty of Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Trait Emotional Intelligence can predict the health behaviour of employees: An empirical study in Indian pharmaceutical industry | Author | International Journal of Health Sciences | ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550-696X © 2022 |
205 | Mr.Amit Kumar | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Dr B.R Ambedkar’s Social &Judicial perspective & its Present Relevance | Author | imra.in | Vol.10 Issue04 ISSN2249-2496 |
206 | Mr. Amit Kumar | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Internationalization of Higher Education In India | Author | ijrar.in | Vol.9 Issue- EISSN-2348-1269 / PISSN-2349-5138 |
207 | Dr. Tara Arya | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Kumau me bhavno ka nirman ,shilp or sondarya | Author | Resent research in social science and humanities | 2348-3318 |
208 | Dr. Tara Arya | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | lok jeeavn mai paryavaran ka aetihasik mahatav | Author | Padchinh | 2231-1351 |
209 | Dr.Ramandeep Kaur | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | My University abode of angels and paradise of knoweldege and learning | Author | JETIR | 2349-5162 |
211 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Dalit Mahilo ki Samsyain | Author | Samayasakshaya Publication Dehradun | 978-93-86452-31-3 |
212 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Dalit Aatmkathao main abhivyakat samajik yatharth | Author | ||
213 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Aksharwarta International research journal vol.I on page no.52 | Author | aksharwarta international research | 978-81-93157-9-2 |
214 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Paper Publish in Stream of music:Note,Poetry& Meditation on page no. 104 | Author | Magizana | 978-81-8268-193-4 |
215 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Paper Publish in Aksharwarta International Research journal Vol.III on Page no. 19 | Author | aksharwarta international research | 2349-7521 |
216 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Aksharwarta international research journal vol.V on page no. 12 feb | Author | aksharwarta international research | 2349-7521 |
217 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Shodh Navneet international half yearly researc Journal vol. X Page no.303-308 Jan-Jun | Author | Shodh Navneet | 2321-6581 |
218 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Apni Maati E-Patrika of Rajasthan Vol.26 | Author | Apni Maati | 2322-0724 |
219 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Aksharwarta international research journal vol.VII on paged no.13-15 | Author | aksharwarta international research | 2349-7521 |
220 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Shabad Baraham International Monthly Magazine of indiain Languages vol.Vl on page no 3-7 | Author | Shabad Baraham | 2320-0871 |
221 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Aksharwarta international research journal vol.XIV on paged no.8-10 | Author | aksharwarta international research | 2349-7521 |
222 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Manav adhikar aur samajik nayay published by rajasthani granthagar, Jodhpur. | Author | rajasthani granthagar, Jodhpur. | 978-81-84168-96-4 |
223 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Manav adhikar aur samajik nayay published by rajasthani granthagar, Jodhpur. | Author | Sahity sanchay,delhi. | 978-93-88011-00-6 |
224 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Madhykaleen kavya aur samajik-sanskritik paridrashya | Author | Sahity sanchay,delhi. | 978-93-88011-45-7 |
225 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Hindi Sahity mein Dalit Chinten | Author | Anang prakashan delhi. | 978-93-80845-51-7 |
226 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Badalta parivesh sahitya aur media part-2 | Author | Anang prakashan delhi. | 978-93-80845-81-4 |
227 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Agyey: Vichar aur vimarsh | Author | Sahity sanchay,delhi. | 978-93-88011-45-7 |
228 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Hindi sahity mein datil chintan | Author | Hans Prakashan delhi. | 978-93-89389-12-8 |
229 | Dr.Renu Singh | Faculty of Arts & Social science | Asssistant Professor | Padhya prasun (kavya sanghrah) | Author | Hans Prakashan new delhi. | 978-93-89389-12-8 |
230 | Mr. Rajat Joshi | Faculty of Nursing | Assistant Professor | Food Hygine practice among monthers with the occurrence of deiria in under 5 year children | Author | International journal of medical | Year- 2020/ Vol-9/ issue 2 / |
231 | Ms. Anjali Mall | Faculty of Nursing | Assistant Professor | The knowledge and practices toward neonatal care among primipara mothers in Dehradun, Uttarakhand: A crosssectional study. | Author | International Journal of health | Vol.9 ISSUE 2 page 67-71 Year 2021 |
232 | Ms. Nisha | Faculty of Nursing | Tutor | “A STUDY TO ASSESS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STRUCTURED TEACHING PROGRAM ON LEVEL | kumari Nisha/ Bijayata sharma/ | international journal of advance reserch | 2020,pg- 1142-1143, 2320-5407, |
233 | Ms. Deepali Rawat | Faculty of Nursing | Nsg. Tutor | Effectivness of psychosocial support on care burden among caregivers of patient with mental disorderd | Author | International Journal of recent | Vol.12, ISSUE 10(C, pp. 43372-43374, |
234 | Ms. Deepali Rawat | Faculty of Nursing | Nsg. Tutor | Knowledge regarding computer application among staff nurses | Author | International Journal of research | Vol.6, ISSUE-4, ISSN: 2456-6683 |
237 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | On the electrode configurations in a large single phase liquid xenon detector for dark matter searches | Author | Journal of instrumentation | 2021, 16(08):P08028, 1748-0221, 1.12 |
238 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | On proportional scintillation in very large liquid xenon detectors | Author | Nuclear Science and Techniques | 2020, 31(9):93, 1001-8042, 2.4 |
239 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | A LN2-based cooling system for a next-generation liquid xenon dark matter detector | Co- Author | Nuclear Science and Techniques | 2020, 31(8):76, 1748-0221, 2.4 |
240 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Novel field cage design for the PandaX III double beta decay experiment | Co-Author | Journal of instrumentation | 2017, 12(10):P10014-P10014, 1748-0221, 1.12 |
241 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Geomorphological features of Tons River of Uttarakhand state, India | Author | Singapore Journal of Scientific Research | 2014, 4(1), 9-14, 2010-006X |
242 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Seasonal variation of benthic macro invertebrates from Tons River of Garwal Himalayas Uttarakhand | Auhor | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences | 2013, 16(22), 1510-6 |
243 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | ZOOPLANKTON DIVERSITY OF TONS RIVER OF UTARAKHAND STATE INDIA | Author | International Journal of Zoology and Research | 2013, vol 3, 1-8,2278-1286 |
244 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | Species Diversity, Abundance and Distribution of Fish Community and Conservation Status of Tons River of Uttarakhand State, India | Author | Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science | 2013, 8(5), 617-626,1816-4927 |
245 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Faculty of Science | Assistant Professor | ENERGY DISPERSIVE X-RAY MICROANALYSIS (EDX) OF SCALE OF SCHISTURA MONTANUS (MCCLELLAND, 1838) | Author | Bioscan Journal | 2013, 6(3),403-404 |
246 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “A study of Teaching Competency in relation with Attitude towards Creative teaching of B.Ed. trainee-teachers” | Sole Author | International referenced journal of Education and practice (IISTE) | Year 2018, Volume- 9(4), Page- (66 to -72), ISSN: 2222-1735 & 2222-288X(O) |
247 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Concurrent Status of Education" | Sole Author | Contemporary India and Education, Aryan Publication, Rohtak, | March 2023, Volume- 1, Page- (01 to -20, ISSN: 97881-950613-03 |
248 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “Uachh Shiksha Mai Gunatamak Uttkristhta Ki Chunotiyan Evm Sudhar” | Sole Author | VIDYAWARTA an International Research Journal, Beed Maharashtra | Sept.-2016, Volume- 4(15), Page- (144 to 149), ISSN: 2319-9318 |
249 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | ‘Adhyapak Shiksha mein Rachanatmak Navacharon ka online Samaveshan’ | Sole Author | Edulink- Journal of Education | December 2021, Volume- 7, Page- (76 to 81), ISSN: 2350-1170, |
250 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “B.Ed. Chattradhyapakon Ki Shikshan Sakschmta Evm Anushilan Ke Sambhandh ka Adhyan” | Sole Author | International Journal 'Periodic Research’ double Blend Peer reviewed Journal, Social Research Foundation, Kanpur (UP) | Nov- 2018, Volume- 7(2), Page- (01 to 13), ISSN: 2231-0045 |
251 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “Shiksha Mahavidhylyon Mai Karyarat Pradhyapakon Ki Vayvasaiyik Santusti Ka Adhyan” | Sole Author | International Research Journal (Printing Area) Harshvardhan Publication, Beed Maharashta | December 2017, Volume- 05(36), Page- (158 to 166), ISSN: 2394-5303 |
252 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “B.Ed. Chattradhyapakon Ki Shikshan Sakschmta Evm Sarjnattmak Shikshan Abhivartti Ke Sambhandh ka Adhyan” | Sole Author | International Journal of Research GRANTHALYA, Indore (MP) | July 2017, Volume- 5(7), Page- (587 to 597), ISSN: 2350-0530 DOI: https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v5.i7.2017.2166 |
253 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “Holistic Study of Yoga as a Naturopathic Influence for Healthy Life style” | Sole Author | Research Guru online Journal Mehsana Gujarat | June 2019, Volume- 13(1), Page- (894 to 904), ISSN: 2349- 266X |
254 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “A Study of Yoga as a Naturopathic Influence for a Healthy Life-Style” | Paper Presented in National Seminar | ‘Yoga for Holistic Development’ Organised by School of Education, CUH, Mahendragar | Central University of Haryana, Mahendragar, on 20th to 21th June 2018 |
255 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Innovation Intervention in Teacher Education" | Proposal Presentation in IIC HNBGU, Innovation & Best Practice Award | H.N.B.G. University, Srinagar Garhwal, Institute of Innovation cell, Ministry of Education | Institute of Innovation Cell H.N.B.G. University, Srinagar Garhwal (UK) held on 08th October, 2020. |
256 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Development and Editing of Video & Audio E-Content" | Participated in Virtual Workshop | G.N.D. University Amritsar, under PMMNM teacher training programme, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India | Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, held on 8-10th March, 2022. |
257 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “Four days National Virtual Summit on Panorama of Teacher Education" | Participated in online Workshop | Dept. of Education, Annamlai, University, Tamilnadu | Annamlai, University Tamilnadu, Held on 28th to 31st January, 2021 |
258 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Ancient Indian Education, Culture and Knowledge Tradition" | Participated in National Research Paper Writing Competition | Bhartiya Sikshan Mandal Haryana State | Chaudhry University, Bhiwani, held in May 2022 |
259 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Data Analysis and Interpretation" | Participated in 15-Days short term course | Indian Teacher Education Community, data interpretation by Dr. D.N. Sensanwal | School of Education, DAVV Indore, on 25th feb. to 11th March, 2022. |
260 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Multi-Disciplinary and Holistic Education, Across Discipline in New Education Policy- 2020" | Participate in Webinar | School of Education, Sri Guru Ram Rai University, Dehradun | SGRR University, Dehradun, Held on 17th Feb 2022 |
261 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “Experimental learning and skill development in teacher education: A Gandhian Legacy” | Participated in National Webinar | Dept. of Education, Mohanlal Sukhadiya University, Udyapur | M.S. University Udyapur, Rajesthan on 2nd October. 2021 |
262 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Developing E-Content based on self-learning Modules, Quadrant-II of MOOC" | Participated in Workshop | G.N.D. University Amritsar, under the PMMNM teacher training programme, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, | Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, University Amritsar School of Education, online workshop on 14th to 16th March 2022. |
263 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Health & Education” | Attended the National Webinar | HNBG University, Medical Education, Dehradun & Association of Research, Professional, Lucknow University | Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Science, Sultanpur, Held on 08th June 2020 |
264 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | "Creation of Educational Poster" | Participate virtual Workshop | Universal Teachers Academy Puduchery | Universal Teachers Academy Puduchery, Held on 13thSeptember 2020 |
265 | Dr. Ram Niwas Deshwal | Faculty of Education | Associate Professor | “Covid-19, Safety and Precautions" | Participate with Successfully Qualified the National Awareness test | Dept. of Economics, Mar Thomas College Malapuram, Kerala | Mar Thomas College Malapuram, Kerala, Held on 25th May 202 |
266 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | On the electrode configurations in a large single phase liquid xenon detector for dark matter searches | Author | Journal of instrumentation | 2021, 16(08):P08028, 1748-0221, 1.12 |
267 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | On proportional scintillation in very large liquid xenon detectors | Author | Nuclear Science and Techniques | 2020, 31(9):93, 1001-8042, 2.4 |
268 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | A LN2-based cooling system for a next-generation liquid xenon dark matter detector | Co- Author | Nuclear Science and Techniques | 2020, 31(8):76, 1748-0221, 2.4 |
269 | Dr. Pratibha Juyal | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | Novel field cage design for the PandaX III double beta decay experiment | Co-Author | Journal of instrumentation | 2017, 12(10):P10014-P10014, 1748-0221, 1.12 |
270 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | Geomorphological features of Tons River of Uttarakhand state, India | Author | Singapore Journal of Scientific Research | 2014, 4(1), 9-14, 2010-006X |
271 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | Seasonal variation of benthic macro invertebrates from Tons River of Garwal Himalayas Uttarakhand | Auhor | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences | 2013, 16(22), 1510-6 |
272 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | ZOOPLANKTON DIVERSITY OF TONS RIVER OF UTARAKHAND STATE INDIA | Author | International Journal of Zoology and Research | 2013, vol 3, 1-8,2278-1286 |
273 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | Species Diversity, Abundance and Distribution of Fish Community and Conservation Status of Tons River of Uttarakhand State, India | Author | Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science | 2013, 8(5), 617-626,1816-4927 |
274 | Dr. Sheetal Mamgain | Applied Science | Assistant Professor | ENERGY DISPERSIVE X-RAY MICROANALYSIS (EDX) OF SCALE OF SCHISTURA MONTANUS (MCCLELLAND, 1838) | Author | Bioscan Journal | 2013, 6(3),403-404 |
278 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | World Wide Web Search Engines: A Study of User’s Perception | Author | Organizational Transformational through Information Technology Issues and challenges (Book Chapter) | 2007; Prestige Institute of Management and Research Indore; Page 294 to 301 |
279 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Web Based Virtual Supply Chain Management | Co- Author | Supply Chain Management in Global Environment (Book Chapter) | 2007; Mahakal Institute of Management; Page 1-10 |
280 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Social Responsibility: Mantra of Management Education | Author | Conference Proceedings, Emerging India : The Role of Management abd IT Education | 2008; Hindustan Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Farah, Mathura,Page 145 to 152 |
281 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Trait Emotional Intelligence and its relation to stress during COVID-19 Pandemic | Author | Annals Of Computer Science And Information Systems | 2020; ISSN 2300-5963 ACSIS, Vol. 24; pp. 31–38; |
282 | Mrs. Mamta Bhatt | Commerce and Management | Assistant Professor | Trait Emotional Intelligence can predict the health behaviour of employees: An empirical study in Indian pharmaceutical industry | Author | International Journal of Health Sciences | ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550-696X © 2022 |
283 | Dr. Priyanka Chauhan | Faculty of Physiotherapy | Assistant Professor | Kinesio Taping along with PNF strching improved ankle Dorsiplexion in Children with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy | Author | The Scientific Temper | Year - 2022, ISSN No. -09768653 |
284 | Dr. Akanksha | Faculty of Physiotherapy | Assistant Professor | Compare The Effect of muscle Energy Technique with Conventional Therapy Alone in Post-Operative Rehabilitation Program in Patient with Femoral Neck Fracture | Author | Neuro Quantology | Year - 2022, ISSN No. -6609-6624 |