Centre for Advanced Studies & Research (CASR) embodies the spirit, ethos & vision of RBBSU and aims to be the exemplar of & set enviable precedents in knowledge creation, banking & dissemination in advanced studies & research. The centre envisages nurturing need-based, demand driven, quality research culture that translates into outcomes/ deliverables i.e skill sets or products that positively influence our lives & livelihood. The CASR effectively facilitates & oversees research at all levels of courses/ curricula including PhD programs, helping develop & review intra & extramural studies & projects along ‘Thrust areas’ as identified by agencies/ bodies that fund or sponsor research. The centre thus plays a pivotal role in generating research aptitude among students & teachers alike and helps showcase research outcome at informed fora & journals of repute. The CASR is also in liaison with credible international agencies/ institutes, namely, United Peace Keepers Federal Council (UNPKFC), Thailand, Lumbini Buddhist University, Nepal, for collaborative initiatives & exchanges in areas of advanced learning & research.
Following is the list of members of Research Degree Committee & Review Board:-
Prof. Rajesh Misra Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, RBBSU | Chairman |
Prof. Debabrata Roy Pro Vice Chancellor, RBBSU Professor, Community Medicine, GBCM |
Member |
Prof. P.K.Sharma Controller of Examinations, RBBSU |
Member |
Prof. Desh Deepak Principal, GBCM |
Member |
Prof. Dr.Suryakant Nagtilak Dept of Biochemistry, GBCM | Member Secretary |
Prof. Nilima Chawhan Faculty of Buddhist Studies, RBBSU |
Member |
Dr. Manmohan Gupta Professor, Dept.of Education |
Member |
Ms. Preeti Thakur Statistician, Dept of Community Medicine, GBCM |
Member |