Subhartipuram, Nanda ki Chowki, Dehradun

General Rules


All boarders are supposed to report for the Roll Call every day at the notified time i.e 8:30 p.m. All boarders are required to be present physically and make a proper queue to record their presence. In case of any emergency or illness, the students are required to inform the Warden before the time of attendance.

Ragging is strictly prohibited and punishable under law. Every boarder has to follow timing fixed for reporting back to the hostel. Winter (1 Oct. to 30 Mar) 8:00 pm Summer (1 Apr. to 30 Sept.) 8:30 pm. Hostlers are not allowed to bring Day Scholars without the written permission of the warden in the Hostel Premises (inside Room, Mess, etc.)

Always keep your Hostel ID in your pocket to prove your identity, whenever required. Playing music at high volume causing disturbance to other inmates is not allowed. While leaving the rooms, lights, fans etc. should be switched-off to avoid fine or other punitive action. Use of personal electrical appliances, indoor cooking including making of Tea/Coffee/Maggie/Cup Noodles and the like, in the rooms,is strictly prohibited.

Intoxicants, Liquors, Tobacco, Explosives,Weapons, Obscene materials etc. are not allowed to be kept /stored by the students in the Room / Hostel premises. Writing/mentioning obscenity on doors, walls,furniture, switch plates etc. in the hostel premises including washroom walls is strictly prohibited.

Any type of sexual harassment/ un-natural behaviour is strictly prohibited. Students shall not hold any meeting or organize any collective activity in the hostel without the written permission of the Warden. Use of Loud-Speakers in hostels is prohibited.However, on special occasions, it may be used with prior permission of the Director on the recommendation of Warden. Entry of Loud Speaker shall not be permitted inside the Campus except with the written permission of the Director.

Celebration of parties, playing with dry / wet colours /plain water in the hostel premises as well as in the Institute Campus is strictly prohibited. However an event may be organized in a specified area inside the Campus with HOSTEL RULES each duly notarized (Annexure – 3 & 4). (f) In the case of students who have been provisionally admitted, if she/he fails to produce proof of having fulfilled the eligibility conditions at the time of registration, will have to submit an undertaking that (s)he will submit the proof of fulfilling the laid down ligibility condition for admission to the course, by 31 October positively,failing which his/her provisional registration/admission to the said course will automatically stand cancelled. The undertaking will be given by the student and his/her parent separately in the format attached as (Annexure 5 & 6 respectively).6. Hostel students should bring the form duly filled in, attached as (Annexure – 7 & 8).7. Form for issue of Identity card duly filled in CAPITAL LETTERS only (Annexure-9)PAGE 27 2 0 1 6 – 1 7 the prior permission of the Director on the recommendation of the Warden.

Behaving improperly with Warden/Faculty Behaving improperly with Warden/Faculty warden/Asst. Warden/Catering Manager/Waiters/ Security Guards/Hostel Attendants orany other person of the Hostel will be treated as misconduct. Canvassing for Membership of Bodies/Agencies (like Avon, Amway, Oriflamme, etc.)or promoting sale and purchase (like cosmetics, soaps, etc) in the hostel is not allowed. Students are not ermitted to keep excessive cash and valuables with them in their rooms.

A student should have smart bearing when going out of the hostel always using dress be fitting the occasion and place of visit. During the Institute timings, the students should invariably be in their classes/library/computer lab excepting those who are permitted to stay in their respective rooms by the Hostel warden due to sickness.

A student falling sick or feeling symptoms of sickness should report to the Hostel warden.First Aid is available with the warden. To facilitate evaluation of a sick student to the hospital, necessary arrangements shall be made. No student shall leave the hostel without prior
permission of the Hostel Warden. Two Out-Passes in a week will be issued on weekdays (excluding Sundays and other Holidays) after 3.30 pm for students. On Sundays, the timings for outing will be 9.00 6.00/6.30 p.m.

No student shall remain absent from the hostel during night, unless he has obtained ‘Night-Out Pass’ from the Warden. Night-Out Permission / Pass to Hostel students will be given on weekends only if the request of the resident has prior approval of the Parents / Local guardians whose photos are given at the time of admission.

Hostellers taking leave during vacation period should clearly mention address where they are going, telephone numbers, dates and other required information in the Leave Form / Movement Book. Students intending to go home during the working days for attending family functions will require permission of the HOD, subject to receipt of written request for the same from parents of the students.

Day or Night-Out Pass cannot be taken as a matter of routine. Out-pass for Day-outing will be issued only after class hours. Night-Out passes will be issued by the Hostel Warden on satisfying him/her about the genuine need of the boarders to stay out.

NOTE : Violation of any of the above Rules shall be treated as an act of indiscipline and shall attract disciplinary action.